Outdoor Advertising: A major loophole in food marketing restrictions

Outdoor Advertising: A major loophole in food marketing restrictions

Guest blog by Amy Finlay, PhD student at the University of Liverpool   At this time of year, it’s hard to escape food marketing. Everywhere we turn there are TV adverts, social media posts and bus shelter posters promoting a wide variety of mouth-watering,...

Whatever happened to the updated Nutrient Profiling Model?

Whatever happened to the updated Nutrient Profiling Model?

Faced with a conversation about the ‘nutrient profiling model’ it is likely that most people’s eyes would glaze over. Even more so if we started to explain that it is a complex algorithm based on a scoring system that weighs up the contribution of seven different...

Guest blog: To reformulate, or not to reformulate; that is the question

Guest blog: To reformulate, or not to reformulate; that is the question

Katharine Jenner RNutr, Director of Action on Sugar, discusses the role of reformulation in ‘turning the tide on obesity’ in Sugar Awareness Week 2021 Whether ‘tis nobler to make small improvements to the foods people already buy and eat. Or to take arms against...

New Junk Food Advert Ban: Same Old Advertising Industry Proposals

By Dr Mimi Tatlow-Golden, Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Childhood, The Open University The UK Government has announced plans to significantly restrict online advertising of less healthy food and drinks. A ban on some adverts for certain foods high in...

International approaches to addressing obesity and improving health

International approaches to addressing obesity and improving health

By Leia Clifton, Policy Officer, Obesity Health Alliance World Obesity Day is approaching on the 4th of March - on this day we are encouraged to think about and discuss practical solutions to help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight[1]. The day aims to raise...