Unhealthy Food & Drink Marketing
What are we calling for?
Find out more about our jointly agreed policy positions, consultation responses, reports and briefings.
Policy Statement
Coming soon
2021. Health and Care Bill: Briefing
2021. Food Marketing and Obesity: The Evidence
2021. Restricting junk food marketing
2021. Get in the Bin: The Impact of Ending Junk Food Adverts Online
2020: Ending Junk Food Marketing Online
2020. Ending Junk Food Marketing Online – Summary Briefing
2019. The Need for a Comprehensive 9pm Watershed on Junk Food Advertising
2019. Britain’s Got a Problem with Junk Food Adverts: Annexe 1
2019. Children’s exposure to HFSS adverts online is underestimated – a critique
2019. Unhealthy Food Marketing: The Impact on Adults
2019. Restricting Children’s Exposure to Junk Food Marketing: Policy Position
2018. How Junk Food Adverts are Designed to Appeal to Families Infographic
2018. Junk Food Marketing to Children – Briefing Paper for Debate
2017. A Watershed Moment: Why it’s Prime Time to Protect Children from Junk Food Adverts
2017. A Watershed Moment: Appendix 1
2017. A Watershed Moment: Appendix 2
2017. Junk Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity: the Evidence