Statement: OECD data shows the UK has the highest obesity rate in Europe

“It is both shocking and sobering that there are 92% more obese adults in the UK now than in the 1990s – and that the UK has the fifth highest obesity rate amongst OECD countries and the highest in Western Europe. “The answer lies in tackling the problem early –...

Scotland’s New Obesity and Diet Strategy

“The Scottish Government has put forward a comprehensive and wide-ranging set of proposals which recognise that by removing the forces pushing families towards junk food, we can make healthy lifestyles easier. Taking action on special offers on junk food, and...

National Childhood Obesity Data: The Same Devastating Story

“Each year the childhood obesity statistics tell the same devastating story. Obesity continues to rise and it’s the children from the most deprived backgrounds who have the odds stacked against them. Nearly one in ten children are obese when they first start school...