Six facts about junk food marketing

Junk food adverts significantly influence children’s food choices There is wealth of strong, peer-reviewed evidence proving that the food adverts children see, influence the foods they choose and how much of it they eat. Junk food marketing in particular is linked...

Response to PHE’s Sugar Reduction Progress Report

“These results show a very mixed picture. Some brands have managed to meet or exceed the initial 5% target, stepping up to play their role in improving children’s health. However it’s very worrying that the majority of the top 20 highest selling, sugary brands  have...
Statement: The introduction of the ‘sugar tax’

Statement: The introduction of the ‘sugar tax’

“It’s great news that the soft drinks levy is now in place. We’re all eating more sugar than is recommended and sugary soft drinks contribute to this – particularly in teens where sugary drinks are their top source of sugar. They provide empty calories and...